Saturday, October 12, 2013


Hi everyone!

Sorry for the disappearing act lately. Life has been chaotic, to say the least, the past few months. Let's just say that the majority of my days lately can't be described without using the word "cluster". There have been multiple issues with my son at school. I also had my final certification test for medical billng and coding that I was studying for, as well as completing my classes for Microsoft Office.

The good news is that my medical final is done! *happy dance!*. My son s being transferred to a new school next week that will have a special needs class that can devote time to his needs. 

Now I can get back to doing more reading for me, and posting my thoughts and reviews of the books. I plan to start reviewing a series titled, "The Broadus Supernatural Society Series", written by Theresa Margurite Hewitt. TMH is an outstanding independent, self-published author. I previously reviewed her novel, "We Roam the Seas" a few months ago.

So thank you to everyone for your patience. Take care, and Happy Reading!


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